Nepal Childrens Home (NCH)
A home for the orphans of Nepal

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world".James 1:27
The Objective of NCH is to bring up orphaned and needy children by finding ways and means of meeting their spiritual, physical and social needs and reaching out to all the children. The result is to raise reliable, responsible, resourceful and productive citizen through providing and facilitating the education instruction, Training and equipping with skills to the children in a Christian set up.
Our focus is to set on the issue of children at risk. Children who are deprived of one or more of these categories are regarded, as at risk. It is the desire of NCH to reach out to the growing number of children at risk and to do our part to ensure the rights of the child are honored, their human rights are restored, and their basic needs are met. We affirm that all children have the right to Love and Security, Food, survival and development ,Parental care, A Decent place to live, Health and health services, protection from abuse, Education and rest and Leisure, recreation. These are the Core value of our work.
The children in NCH study the following subjects:
1. Bible 2. Math 3. Science 4. English 5. History 6. Nepali 7. Physical Education
8. Health
The school has all of the above subjects with other regular school sports and activities.
As you, know that Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world. Therefore, we request with you to be a partner in this valuable work for the cause of Great commission to produce more workers in the Lord's Harvest.